Option Explicit
'Script written by Mitch
'Script version 12 September 2013
'added alternate file extensions for STEP and IGES
Private strOldFolder
If isEmpty(strOldFolder) Then
strOldFolder = Rhino.WorkingFolder
End If
Call BatchImportGen
Sub BatchImportGen()
' Allow the user to interactively pick a folder
Dim strFolder
strFolder = Rhino.BrowseForFolder(strOldFolder, "Select folder to process", "Batch Import")
If VarType(strFolder) <> vbString Then
Exit Sub
Else strOldFolder = strFolder
End If
' Create a file system object
Dim objFSO
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
' Get a folder object based on the selected folder
Dim objFolder
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strFolder)
Dim strExt,strAltext,arrExt
arrExt = Array("Rhino", "STL", "DXF", "DWG", "IGES", "STEP", "SolidWorks")
strExt = Rhino.ListBox(arrExt, "Select File type", "Batch Import")
strAltExt = ""
If IsNull(strExt) Then Exit Sub
Select Case strExt
Case "Rhino"
strExt = "3dm"
Case "STEP"
strExt = "stp"
strAltExt = "step"
Case "SolidWorks"
strExt = "sldprt"
Case "IGES"
strExt = "igs"
strAltExt = "iges"
Case Else
strExt = LCase(strExt)
End Select
' Process the folder
Call ProcessFolder(objFSO, objFolder, strExt, strAltExt)
' Release the objects
Set objFolder = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing
End Sub
' ProcessFolder
Sub ProcessFolder(objFSO, objFolder, ext, altExt)
' Import all files of chosen filetype in the selected folder
Dim objFile,eName,strOpen,strFilename,strLayername,arrLCO,blnFound
blnFound = False
For Each objFile In objFolder.Files
eName = LCase(objFSO.GetExtensionName(objFile.Path))
If eName <> "" And (eName = ext Or eName = altExt) Then
strOpen = LCase(objFile.Path)
strFilename = objFile.Name
strLayername = Left(strFilename, (Len(strFilename) - Len(ext) - 1))
Call Rhino.Print("Importing " & strLayername)
Call Rhino.Command("_NoEcho _-Import " & chr(34) & strOpen & chr(34) & " _Enter")
arrLCO = Rhino.LastCreatedObjects(False)
'add new layer for each file with layer name=file name (less extention)
If IsArray(arrLCO) Then
If Not Rhino.IsLayer(strLayername) Then
End If
Call Rhino.ObjectLayer(arrLCO, strLayername)
Call Rhino.Print("No objects imported from file " & strFileName)
End If
blnFound = True
End If
If Not blnFound Then
Call Rhino.MessageBox("No files of chosen type found in folder!", 0, "File Import")
End If
End Sub