To save runtime or if the model run was interrupted (power outage, etc.), the user could restore and resume a StopeX model from one of the following states:
Follow the steps below to restore and resume a model. The commands should be placed in a text file and called in FLAC3D:
Restore the model state that you want to start from using the following commands:
Commands for FLAC3D Version 7:
Model restore ‘step2.sav’ ; <<< note this can be any state listed above >>>
Commands for FLAC3D Version 5:
Restore step2
Resume the model by specifying the first step to solve and the total number of steps to solve:
Commands for FLAC3D Version 7:
fish set @Number_of_mining_steps_to_solve=28
fish set @First_mining_step_to_start_from=3
fish set @additional_cycling =
Commands for FLAC3D Version 5:
set @Number_of_mining_steps_to_solve=28
set @First_mining_step_to_start_from=3
set @additional_cycling = 2000
Let’s assume we have a model with 57 mining steps and solved 7 steps, and we want to resume the model from step 7 and run to completion. In this case, the Initial_Excavation_step_number should be 8, and Number_of_solved_excavation_steps should change to 51.
The prepared restore text file should be like these:
FLAC3D Version 7:
FLAC3D Version 5: